Genesis, the beginning of something, could be a process, birth, a root, an origin, or anything that initiates the process for an intentional outcome. For me, genesis is a concept created by an action provoked by a living cell. For example, writing this blog, the genesis of a long relationship with my readers and my thinking thoughts.
Hopefully, as I embark on this new phase, I will be able to articulate in the form of writing valuable words to delight and inform with facts in a diverse area of the profession, such as taxes, finance, information technology, and business in general. For some topics, we will be taking a deep approach to the impact in our community and global communities and possible solutions. To provide support and validation to our writing will be sharing articles and likely studies from credible sources. For the moment, I will be limiting our blogs to topics that are not conflicting with my Research Study to preserve and adhere to the ethics, integrity, and compliance of Walden University
As always, thank you for the opportunities and support to my colleagues and family of our business communities.